The psychology of behavior at work is so complex that it ranges from, motivation, attitude, personality,stress, the co-operation of management and staff, modes of learning ,group dynamics etc. One of the major factors that play a major role is the "corporate culture", which equates to decision making in this ever changing work force. How to lead and train a new multi ethnic organization and develop a good rapport with most if not all employees. The first topics to consider are motivation and job satisfaction. 1)What motivates a person to work?
2)Could we increase motivation with wage increases?
The answer is yes and no, an increase in wage would allow the employee to perform better but,after some time would lose its effectiveness as the enforcement of schedules would become weak, this is the correct time to change the schedules of reinforcement to variable, which means a random awarding of this enforcer would be set into motion and this would make the employee to continuing displaying good work habits in the hopes of getting the monetary reward which the employee doesn't no when, and would continue elicit a change in motivation, rewards of other types such as food etc, can be used to enforce renewed motivation in the workplace. As far as job satisfaction is concerned it is dependent on many factors such as stress free environment, training and managerial attitudes.
Does the company have ethical behavior in it hierarchy structure?, is group dynamics taken into account, as we can see the new trend is working in teams or groups such as project teams, work groups(managed or self managed) and teams of managers have become a regular mainstay in companies and corporations. The possibility of having an effective team depends on training and understanding the mental process of a group or team , do they think similarly or have opposing views, are strategies put into place to combat this process and foster similar goals or outcomes from the project and most importantly to prevent human error as much as possible and promote a culture of having a safe environment. The "Behavioral Coach" should be able to step into this environment and create cooperation,acceptance ,and understanding for both employee and employer. The coach should take into account environmental issues or stimuli that make it enjoyable or aversive for the employee to perform at the job, has the employee been trained or has previous training for the said position?, is he rewarded for his contingencies of work put forth, does the employee see benefits for performing better , even in the arena of their private life . The behavioral coach has to successfully navigate this sea and smooth the waves and pave the way for training and career development of the employees, use socio-cultural tools to motivate the managers and employees to higher levels of performance and teach them self regulation process so that they see the change in themselves and the environment around. Another important clue is time has the employee or group been given a reasonable time span to complete the project, or are they being stressed or cramped into a high stress atmosphere, which will impede their progress and create stressful situations , affect health and self esteem, and ultimately the quality of output of the group or employee. The coach should guide the managers and staff in justice,fairness and equality, which would lead to a fair expectancy on both sides concerned. This would create much higher self-esteem, happy emotions and motivation which will be self regulated. This will lead to rewards and dignity for both corporation and employee.
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